Public Liability Insurance details – Bedford Handyman –

Simply Business

Public liability insurance provided through Simply Business.

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Rest assured that has £2,000,000 of public liability insurance.  Full details of the policy can be seen by following the link above.

Public liability insurance is an essential cover for most types of business.  You will want to ensure that ANY tradesman you employ has adequate insurance.

What is public liability insurance?

This type of insurance would cover a business if a customer or member of the public was to suffer a loss or injury as a result of its business activities and if that person made a claim for compensation.  The insurance would cover the compensation payment plus any legal expenses.

Why is public liability cover a good thing for customers?

Even when a business does everything right there is always the chance of an accident happening. With the right insurance cover, a business can operate knowing that should the worst happen, insurance is in place.  Knowing their customers’ property could be repaired, their possessions replaced and medical costs paid for provides essential peace of mind.

What is covered in a public liability claim?

Policies are usually tailored to the individual business.  However as a guide, the insurance covers a business’s legal liability to pay damages to members of the public for death and injury or damage to property or possessions, which has resulted from the business’s activities.

If you hired a roofing company to re-tile your roof but they didn’t use adequate weather protection, resulting in severe water damage, you could make a claim against them for compensation to pay for repairing the damage.  Public Liability Insurance ensures that the company can meet the cost of the claim, along with any legal expenses.

Make sure the business you hire has Public Liability insurance

Any business that has visitors to its premises or involves work on client sites needs public liability insurance.  You should ask to see a company’s insurance schedule and documentation before taking them on.